Social Work

It is a significant part of COPLAN, C.A. to contribute actively and voluntarily to the social, economical and environmental improvement within the business and everything surrounding it.
Along with clients and with every project awarded to COPLAN, C.A. we commit to contribute to the Social Fund of PDVSA, which is one of our most important clients. This contribution is aimed at contributing with the social development and wellbeing of communities.
We commit to protect the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of our Employees through the inspection, supervision, and adherence to specific measures for the improvement of work conditions and the environment, in addition to the enjoyment of their spare and relaxation time and the social tourism.

Company Social Responsibility

  • COPLAN,C.A. and PDVSA hand over First-Aid Kits to Fundaproal.

  • COPLAN, C.A. and PDVSA hand over Computers to the Community of the Municipality of Baralt.

  • COPLAN, C.A. and PDVSA supply Air Conditioning Units, Modulars and Chairs to El Cañaveral School.

  • COPLAN, C.A. and PETROBOSCAN hand over a receipt for the payment of a Surgery.


Social Services

Date Social Work Beneficiary
29/01/2013 Financing the transportation of the Junior Baseball team for tournaments. Junior Baseball Team - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
29/01/2013 Partial Financing to treat Mrs. Hilda Gutierrez cervix cancer at Centro Clínico La Sagrada Familia Mrs. Hilda Gutierrez - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
29/01/2013 Financing to supply a spare part for Mr. Simón Garcia's vehicle Mr. Simón Garcia -Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
16/12/2012 Financing Maracaibo-Caracas-Maracaibo transportation to attend the Municipality of Miranda sport activities Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
05/12/2012 Financing 250 snacks and 250 lunches for the Community's Mega Event at the Municipality of Miranda Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
05/12/2012 Financing Construction Materials for Mr. Rich Hevia Mr. Rich Hevia -Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
05/12/2012 Financing the supply of 140m of prefabricated plate for Mr. William Southerland Mr. William Southerland -Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
05/12/2012 Supply of: 1 22'' all-in-one PC, 1 HP-Multifuncional Printer, 1 3-level PC Table, 1-12000BTU Air Conditioning,1 Water Cooler, 10 Plastic Armchairs. UBB Lisandro Faria, Town of Faria Municipality of Miranda - Pequiven Social Development
17/05/2012 Financing to rent Patrol machinery and equipment, leveler, 4 dumpers and 4 workers for 10 days to revamp the roads of Sector El Estereo Consejo de Ciruma. Municipality of Miranda Sra. Yndris Urdaneta - Desarrollo Social Pequiven
27/12/2011 Supply of A-type snacks for the Junior Baseball Team activity in Altgracia. Junior Baseball Team - Pequiven Social Development
09/08/2011 Supply of Mbo-Ccs-Lima La Paz / Lima La Paz-Ccs-Mbo air tickets for Mr. Pablo Ortuño to solve a relative health problem. Mr. Pablo Ortuño - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
16/07/2011 Financing the surgery (Bilateral Endometriosis) for Mrs. Zomaira Nava at Clinica Materno Infantil San Juan, C.A, Infantil San Juan, C.A, para la Sra. Zomaira Nava Mrs. Zomaira Nava - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
18/03/2011 Supply of School Books - Girasol Enciclopaedia for 4th and 6th graders, Marianita Calligraphy guide for 4th and 6th graders, Attention for 4th and 6th graders, History of the Bible for 6th graders. Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
20/12/2010 Supply of 395 Backpacks for neglected communities of Municipality of Miranda Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
03/12/2010 Donation of Bs1,500 for neglected communities of the Municipality of Maracaibo Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
26/11/2010 Supply of 250 carnet holders with collar and hook for Community Councils of Municipality of Miranda Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
16/11/2010 Supply of Lumbar Prosthesis ( Nitinol Fulcrum Plus Lumbar Peek) for Mrs. Zuleyny Bohorquez Mrs. Zuleyny Bohorquez - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
29/10/2010 Payment of Medical Examination: Transesophageal Echocardiogram and Cardiac Catheterization for Mr. Ivan Flores Mr. Ivan Flores - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
19/10/2010 Payment of Surgery (Adenoidectomy + Tonsillectomy) for the child Enmanuel Valero at Centro Médico del Norte Enmanuel Valero - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
18/10/2010 Supply of AM-SIEMENS digital ear prosthesis for both ears and anatomic molds for teenager Micheel Godoy Michael Godoy - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
07/10/2010 Supply of 20 2'' brushes, Supply of 80 5'' brushes, Supply of 15 white rubber-type painting kegs for neglected communities of Municipality of Miranda neglected communities of Municipality of Miranda - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
23/09/2010 Supply of the rent, transport and service for 22 portable toilets to be installed at various schools on 09/26/2010 Instituciones Educativas - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
08/09/2010 Financing radiotherapies for Mrs. Kertim Antunez at Instituto Oncológico de Occidente Kertin Antunez - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
17/05/2010 Supply of 360 Mongol pencil boxes for Elementary School children. Municipality of Miranda Elementary School Children. Municipality of Miranda - Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
21/12/2009 Delivery of 4 4" in Diameter Dressen Gaskets for the PVC rain water aqueduct. Innaco trademark. Mrs. Yndris Urdaneta - Pequiven Social Development
21/07/2009 Handing over to Mr. Víctor Manuel Chacín of the notice confirming him as the beneficiary of the Pars Plana Vitrectomy + Delamination + Cataracts Phacoemulsification + intraocular lens implant for left eye; our company assumes the commitment to pay for it; it was performed on Thursday July 30, 2009 Mr. Víctor Manuel Chacín - PETROBOSCAN Social Development
29/10/2008 Supply to the Community Council of Municipality of Baralt of six (6) computers, thus benefiting Misión Robinson, Aldea Misión Sucre, Frente Francisco de Miranda Community Councils, Funda Comunal Office, the National Guard, and Simoncito Concepción 7. Community Council of Municipality of Baralt
28/10/2008 Supply to El Cañaveral School in Tia Juana of two (2) installed central air conditioning units, twenty (20) modulars for work posts, one (1) whiteboard and twenty one (21) chairs. . El Cañaveral School in Tia Juana
30/09/2008 Se realizó la entrega a Supply to Fundación Programa de Alimentos Estratégicos (FUNDAPROAL) of thirty (30) First-Aid Kits to attend to volunteers of the institute, thus benefiting thirty Food Houses of the State of Zulia. Fundación Programa de Alimentos Estratégicos (FUNDAPROAL)
20/06/2006 Supply to Las Cúpulas School, located in La Salina, Cabimas, State of Zulia, of one hundred and twenty nine (129) Sport Uniforms on the occasion of the National Children's Games Las Cúpulas School located in La Salina, Cabimas, State of Zulia.

Sustainable Development of the Human Resource and Social Responsibility

Motivational / Recreational Activities

COPLAN, C.A’s principle is to protect the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of Workers through the inspection, supervision, and adherence to specific measures to improve conditions and work environment, in addition to the enjoyment of the spare time, relaxation, recreation, and social tourism. As a part of company activities, sport and recreational activities are carried out at least two times a year for workers; talks on health recommendations and occupational diseases are also given. Weekly letters are forwarded indicating cultural activities in some places of the city that workers may attend to enjoy their free and relaxation time along with their families.

  • Bowling Tournament.

  • Sport Activity.

  • Training Talks.

  • Sport Afternoon.


    • Main Office:
      ADDRESS: Av. 4 Bella Vista con calle 70, Edif. Lisa María Piso 3, Ofic. 9.
      Maracaibo 4002. Venezuela.
    • +58 0261-798 12 13 / 0261-798 15 68 0261-798 84 91 / 0261-797 84 55 0261-797 86 01 / 0414-630 94 62 Fax: 0261-797 90 47.
      Internal Mail
  • NEWS

    • COPLAN was awarded the certification on the “QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 9001 – 2008” by FONDONORMA
      December 09, 2010.
    • COPLAN handed over to Mr. Víctor Chacín a payment receipt for his Vitrectomy and Intraocular Lens Implant surgery.
      July 21, 2009.
    • COPLAN celebrated its XX Anniversary where workers and their families enjoyed a festive atmosphere.
      August 30, 2009.